Human-Centric Ways of Working: What They Are and Why You Should Care
Dramatic changes are currently happening in our working culture. Work from home. Hybrid work. The great resignation. Agile transformations. Purpose...
The short answer: No.
Talk to anybody who has ever introduced or been part of a transformation from a traditional hierarchical organization to a flat one, with no bosses and more autonomy, and they’ll tell you that it is not easy.
Some don’t want to give up their power: “I worked my whole life towards a leadership position, and now you want to do away with them?!”).
Others might want the autonomy but don’t want to take on additional responsibility. Having to make decisions without being able to escalate them to a boss can be stressful.
Still others don’t want to be bothered: “Just tell us what we need to do. That’s your job. And now you want us to do that too?!”
As a result, some people will always leave the organization or ask to be put back into a traditional team if there are still any around in your organization.
In my experience, part of the problem is a misconception about what self-management is and isn’t.
More leaders. Not less. Everybody in the team will take on a leadership role. Yet, not via a fixed position, but rather on a dynamic and rolling basis based on expertise or experience for a specific topic.
Decision-making rules have to be made clear. It doesn’t have to be a democracy. It can if the team thinks that’s best. It can also vary based on the nature of the decision or topic. (An entrepreneur once told me, “Why should I ask my 20-year-old accountant, who has no business experience and no idea about our industry, about what our strategy should be?” Well, maybe she has a good idea, maybe not.)
The hierarchy as the traditional key structuring element is replaced by other structuring elements, such as:
Guidance can come in the form of OKRs or a clear mission instead of instructions from a leader.
“Make the mission the boss.” — Gary Hamel.
Why is that?
Mike Lee from INSEAD and Paul Green from the University of Texas recently published the results of a study aiming at finding out whether decentralization — defined as flatter, more autonomous work arrangements — has an impact on work experience.
Work experience thereby was defined as a function of job satisfaction, engagement, and turnover intention.
The research site was a state government agency, which implemented Holacracy.
They found that decentralization:
All in all, their results challenge the view that self-management and more autonomy will improve the work experience of all employees, and show that the impact on job-satisfaction, engagement, and turnover intention depends on two factors:
These results don’t mean though that you should completely forget about giving your employees more autonomy.
First, the state government agency mentioned above introduc Holacracy as one form of self-management, which the authors acknowledge has been identified as an extreme form of decentralization. There are different degrees of autonomy and self-management/leadership, which I wrote about elsewhere. Other forms might be more appropriate and can be followed to increase the “self-management maturity” of a team or organization.
Second, some people have described how they initially didn’t like self-management, but wouldn’t want to get back to work in a traditional organization, once they had fully mastered how to make it work. (See for example Stefan Heiler’s account of the transformation of his family owned business into a self-managed organization — German only)
Third, the way self-management is introduced and how people are prepared might play an importatn role as well. Change Management and appropriate training and support are vital. (See for example Domenico Traverso’s account on how Danfoss managed to create a new self-management business unit. He points out how they missed the change management aspect.)
Preparing and enabling your employees will require:
Finally, make sure to support your teams in the transition. I see many organizations these days, who just issue some guidelines on hybrid/remote for example. Just sending around some fancy pdfs will not be enough. The transition should be facilitated and accompanied.
All these arguments point toward the need for a flexible approach. One size will not fit all, and people need to be managed according to their preferences. If your organization’s ambition is to move towards self-management, meet people at their current ability level. And even then, it won’t be for everybody. And that’s fine. Be transparent and provide the needed information. Treat everybody as the adults they are and have adult-to-adult conversations.
Dramatic changes are currently happening in our working culture. Work from home. Hybrid work. The great resignation. Agile transformations. Purpose...
In the first edition of the Brave New Leaders newsletter, I explored why human-centered ways of working, organizing, and managing/leading are...
You can’t transform into new ways of working by applying the traditional change management principles.